TMF Organisation and Governance

The Tomoko Mukaiyama Foundation (TMF) was founded in April 2007. The foundation supports new forms of music presentations and connects this to other contemporary art forms like architecture, dance, film, visual arts, photography and fashion. It is of great importance to the foundation that these presentations are accessible to a wide audience in The Netherlands and abroad. The artistic director seeks collaborations with other artists, academic institutions and communities to achieve this. The creations often reflect our modern society and engage social issues. The artistic force behind the Foundation is Tomoko Mukaiyama. She is equally active in Japan and The Netherlands; developing a unique artistic language and network through and with her foundation.

The Board of the Tomoko Mukaiyama Foundation

The board consists of three dedicated members. Each of them has her/his own field of expertise:

Henk van der Meulen – chairman – Composer, former Head of Music and Dance NPS television, former Principal Royal Conservatoire, The Hague, former (vice)chair of the board of the University of the Arts The Hague.

Roland Kupers – treasurer – advisor on Complexity, Resilience and Energy Transition, and Professor of Practice at the Arizona State University, and Senior Advisor at the United Nations Environment Program.

Aybala Carlak was a freelance journalist and media maker, specialized in economics and culture. She worked for NRC, Volkskrant, Trouw, Het Parool, VICE, Cineville and NOS, among others. Since April 2023, she has been a program manager at the Democracy and Media Foundation.

The Advising Committee

Britta Böhler former Member of the Senate of the Netherlands

David Elliott former director of Mori Art Museum and Istanbul Modern Art Museum

Ere Harucolumnist, former member of the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

Tetsuya Ozaki journalist and publisher

Saskia van Schaik (former board member)- former editor in chief VPRO Documentaries (Dutch broadcasting company)


Tomoko Mukaiyama – general & artistic direction
Britt Verstegen – business manager

Remuneration policy

The salary and the arrangement of the other terms and conditions of employment of the members of the management are determined by the Board, with due observance of the applicable laws and regulations. Members of the Board receive no remuneration for the performance of their duties. Costs incurred by board members in the performance of their duties are reimbursed on an expense basis.

All employees and freelance contractors of TMF are paid the most recent Collective Labor Agreement for Theater and Dance: De CAO Toneel en Dans. In this way TMF supports and applies Fair Pay in the cultural sector.

Code Cultural Governance

The Board and direction apply the Culture Governance Code: de Nederlandse Governance Code Cultuur. The direction is responsible for the organization. The articles of association describe which decisions require the prior approval of the Board, which clearly states the limits of the statutory authority of the direction. Financial control has been formalized through the adoption of regulations and the formation of an audit committee.

If you wish to read more about the Tomoko Mukaiyama Foundation you can download a PDF that states our governance model and provides general information.
Download: TMF Bestuursreglement 2024

For information on our latest published annual report, please click the PDF file below.

TMF Verkort Jaarrekening 2023
TMF Verkort Jaarrekening 2022
TMF Verkort Jaarrekening 2021
TMF Verkort Jaarrekening 2020
TMF Verkort Jaarrekening 2019
TMF Verkort Jaarrekening 2018
TMF Verkort Jaarrekening 2017
TMF Verkort Jaarrekening 2016
TMF Verkort Jaarrekening 2015
TMF Verkort Jaarrekening 2014
TMF Verkort Jaarrekening 2013
TMF Verkort Jaarrekening 2012

All PDF files are in Dutch.

TMF is connected to the Belastingdienst through RSIN / fiscal number 8179.99.644.